
Superpowers for your Chief of Staff.

Ambient gives CoS back 10-15 hours per week so they can focus on what's strategic.

"As a former Chief of Staff, I wish I had had Ambient when I was following up on meetings and actions items. I now use it to run my business and the quality of summaries and follow ups is a game changer."
- Clara Ma, Ask a Chief of Staff
"I urge Chiefs of Staff to take Ambient for a spin; it automatically collates action items from meetings so that everyone knows what they're accountable for. So instead of writing notes and sending emails, I can focus on listening and thinking deeply."
- Rahul Desai, General Manager of the Chief of Staff Network
“Ambient completely changed how I do my meetings. By efficiently summarizing notes and identifying critical action items, it consistently saves me 15 to 30 minutes per meeting, eliminating the need to rewatch recordings or synthesize notes manually. It takes automated meeting notes to the next level with action items and prioritizing the most important next steps. It helped us make high quality decisions quickly.”
- Sandy Naidu, Chief of Staff, Shopify

Run the meeting. Leave the note taking to us.

Automatically record and share summaries of Zoom / Teams / Meet meetings with a single tap of a button. Learn more ->

Get daily digests of what's happening in Slack in the channels that you care about. Learn more ->

Never miss another action item, timeline, or next step. Let Ambient be your backstop. Learn more ->

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Connect the dots across departments and business systems.

Ambient's AI tagging allows Chiefs of Staff to follow the threads of projects and customers across multiple systems. Learn more ->

Track project and customer workstreams  across business systems like CRM, CX, Slack, Zoom recordings, and more

Identify key employees associated with projects and customers

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